Stretch marks removal and treatment with lasting results
What are stretch marks?
Stretch marks are scars that occur when our skin rapidly stretches or shrinks. The sudden change breaks down collagen and elastin, which scaffolds our skin. As the skin heals, stretch marks may appear. These are common condition that does not cause any severe health problems but may be a severe cosmetic defect for some individuals.
Who is affected by stretch marks?
Stretch marks are very common. They affect around 70% of adolescent girls and 40% of adolescent boys. It appears in areas of the body where the skin is under constant and progressive stretching. They include the following body areas:
•Abdomen and breasts in pregnant women.
•Thighs, buttocks, and breasts in teenage girls, as these areas are prone to skin stretching.
•Bodybuilder's shoulders.
•The skin of obese or overweight people.
Stretch marks may also appear due to long-term oral or topical corticosteroids and anabolic steroids. They are also a symptom of Cushing's Syndrome since, in this disorder, increased activity of the adrenal cortex is observed. Stretch marks are also more common in individuals with Marfan syndrome.
What do stretch marks look like?
When stretch marks appear for the first time, they are usually red, purple, reddish-brown, or dark brown, depending on your skin color. Early stretch marks may be slightly raised and itchy. However, their color fades, and narrow lines sink under the skin over time. If you run your finger over a mature stretch mark, you can often feel a slight dimple.
Over time the stretch marks turn whitish or flesh-colored and considerably less visible. They are usually a few centimeters long and 1-10 mm wide. The stretch marks being caused by corticosteroid use or Cushing's Syndrome are often larger and wider and may involve other areas, including the face.
Methods to reduce stretch marks:
Like any scar, stretch marks are permanent, but treatment may make them less noticeable. Treatment may also help alleviate itching. It is essential to understand that no single treatment will work to completely remove the visibility of stretch marks. Stretch marks in teenagers become less visible over time and generally do not require treatment. In other cases, if stretch marks are a cause for concern and are a major aesthetic defect, they may be attempts to treat them. However, it needs to be borne in mind that the final effect of treatment depends on the patient's predisposition.
Methods of treatment and reduction of stretch marks:
Prescription drugs containing tretinoin or retinol that are applied to the skin:
•Tretinoin is a retinoid that can also reduce the visibility of early stretch marks.
•Retinol, another type of retinoid, may also help minimize early stretch marks.
To reduce stretch marks using pharmacological, it is advisable to remember that:
•The product should be applied to early stretch marks. Studies have shown that pharmacological treatment has little effect on mature stretch marks.
•Massage the product into the stretch marks. Taking the time to gently massage the product into the skin may increase its effectiveness.
• The product should be applied daily for several weeks. Only after a few weeks, you may expect to see the first effects of the therapy.
Professional removal of stretch marks.
Specialists use the following procedures to make stretch marks less noticeable. Stretch mark removal treatments that reach the highest ratings for effectiveness include as follows:
•Discovery Pico Plus
•Alma Pixel Co2
•Dermapen 4.0
•Accent Prime
•TCA Peel
A doctor or cosmetologist may use more than one procedure for the best results. For example, stretch marks can be treated with radiofrequency and fractional lasers.
Side effects are possible with all treatments. In the skilled hands of a specialist or cosmetologist, side effects are usually mild and temporary. Redness and swelling are common after the treatment and usually disappear within a few hours or days.
The specialist will help choose the proper treatment, considering the patient's health and age. The specialist will also assess the stretch marks themselves concerning how extensive they are, whether they are fresh or mature, and recommend appropriate home care.
It is worth remembering that, in most cases, stretch marks can be effectively prevented by:
•by avoiding sudden fluctuations in body weight
•massaging those parts of the body that are prone to stretch marks
•using suitable, specific skincare products, scientists have discovered that products containing centella or hyaluronic acid can help prevent stretch marks. Centella is a plant, whereas our hyaluronic acid is naturally contained in our skin.
Consult your doctor before treating stretch marks if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Some products contain ingredients, such as retinol, which may be harmful to the fetus or baby.
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