Endermolift LPG Alliance

LPG has redefined Endermology facial treatments with its patented MPF (Motorized Pulsating Flaps) invention. LPG technology has been clinically proven by skin biopsy to increase endogenous hyaluronic acid production by 80% and endogenous elastin production by 46%.

How does LPG Endermolift work?

The patented Endermology facial treatment is a real workout for the skin that naturally stimulates fibroblasts in the dermis to increase collagen production resulting in increased skin density and firmness levels.

Extremely pleasant facial massage with the use of Endermolift head effectively fights the signs of skin aging, stimulates microcirculation by oxygenating cells, improves facial contour, fills wrinkles and fine lines are flattened, the face remains bright and radiant.

Contraindications to treatment:

  • cancer in the active phase
  • active skin infection at the treatment site (e.g.: herpes, acne)
  • taking blood thinners
  • vitiligo

We also recommend checking out other treatments performed in Zakrzewscy Clinic, including Hydrafacial and Termolofting.

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Cost of treatment

LPG endermology – facial treatments1 treatmentPackage of 12 treatments
Perfect eyes and lips110 PLN1120 PLN
Perfect eyes80 PLN820 PLN
Perfect lips80 PLN820 PLN
Facial contouring150 PLN1530 PLN
Skin radiance110 PLN----
Personalized treatment (30 min)150 PLN----
LPG Endermology Alliance Medical1 treatmentPackage of 12 treatments
Body drainage220 PLN2240 PLN
Face drainage150 PLN1530 PLN
Lower limbs edema alleviation220 PLN
Treatment preparing for surgery / liposuction150 PLN
Treatment after surgery / liposuction150 PLN
Pain and muscle tension relief100 PLN
Scars50-150 PLN**