Dr CYJ Hair Filler

A breakthrough solution for treating excessive hair loss and alopecia.

Dr. Cyj Hair Filler is the world’s first non-animal peptide formulation for use in treatments to combat excessive hair loss and alopecia. It is the answer to the challenges posed to aesthetic medicine for a long time, both by physicians and Patients. This innovative treatment also helps to strengthen and thicken hair and improve its overall condition and appearance. The effectiveness of this therapy is based on three pillars:

  • Innovative formula of 7 peptides suspended in hyaluronic acid
  • Method of administration involving a series of injections directly into the area requiring treatment
  • Patented, breakthrough "Sustained Release Technology" slow release of active ingredients

By stimulating microcirculation of the scalp and nourishing weakened hair follicles, treatments with Dr. Cyj Hair Filler will not only help you say goodbye to alopecia and hair loss, but will give your hair a new appearance – denser, thicker and shinier. Your scalp will thank you for it!

Indications for treatment

Dr. Cyj Hair Filler treatments are recommended for both men and women of all ages who have noticed hair deterioration, excessive hair loss, or are suffering from alopecia. Below are the most common indications for the procedure:

  • Deterioration of hair condition
  • Alopecia areata
  • Androgenetic alopecia in men and women
  • Telogenetic alopecia
  • Excessive hair loss, caused by, for example:
    • Hormonal changes during pregnancy and lactation
    • Poor diet
    • Poor circulation
    • Excessive stress
    • Disease
  • Skin preparation for hair transplantation
  • Improve hair growth and condition after hair transplantation

Dr. Cyj Hair Filler treatments can also be performed prophylactically to regenerate dry and dull hair by adding shine, thickening and strengthening.

Course of treatment

Treatment with Dr. Cyj Hair Filler is performed by needle mesotherapy. Before the procedure, the physician conducts a detailed interview, during which excludes possible contraindications to the procedure, dispels concerns and listens to the needs and expectations of the Patient. Assessing the condition of the scalp, the physician can also plan the therapy over time.

First, the Patient’s scalp is disinfected. During the procedure, Dr. Cyj Hair Filler is injected into the scalp using a syringe and a thin needle. The Patient feels discomfort during the procedure. With this technology, the epidermis remains virtually intact, which promotes rapid healing. Punctures are usually performed at 1-1.5 cm intervals. This allows for the treatment of the entire scalp area or a selected part of it. It is worth mentioning that the treatment performed in the clinic is only the initiation of deep skin nourishment and revitalization process. The breakthrough "Sustained Release" technology used in the preparation makes that the active ingredients are slowly released from the preparation injected into the skin for two more weeks, thus extending the regeneration process.

For best results, a series of 4 treatments is recommended at approximately 2-week intervals, followed by a booster treatment once every three months.

Hair transplantation Katowice – technology

Treatments with Dr Cyj Hair Filler owe their popularity and effectiveness to the innovative technology that combines the beneficial effects of hyaluronic acid and a unique composition of 7 peptides. The formulation includes:

  • Hyaluronic acid (0.7%) – provides hydration and regeneration of the scalp
  • Decapeptide-10, Octapeptide-11, Octapeptide-2 stimulate blood flow in the hair follicles, inhibit their death and stimulate new hair growth
  • Decapeptide-18 and Decapeptide-28 activate hair growth, stimulate stem cells and stimulate keratinocyte proliferation
  • Oligopeptide-54 blocks the effects of DHT, which can cause alopecia, thus stopping hair loss
  • Oligopeptide-71 restores hair pigmentation and promotes new hair growth

The rich and unique formulation used in Dr. Cyj Hair Filler therapy translates into amazing results in combating hair loss and alopecia. But that is not all! Breakthrough "Sustained Release Technology" involving the prolonged release and penetration of active ingredients means that even a very small dose of a highly concentrated product remains in the skin even two weeks after treatment, releasing active ingredients responsible for the proper blood supply to the skin and its regeneration.

Dr. Cyj effects

The very first treatment with Dr Cyj Hair Filler helps to stop hair loss. However for the final results it is necessary to wait – they are usually visible after a few weeks from the last treatment in the series. The effect of therapy is initiated by injecting active substances deep into the skin, the entire mechanism of scalp revitalization affecting hair growth and quality.

Administration of the preparation using needle mesotherapy technique affects the activation of microcirculation in the scalp, which translates into improved condition of hair follicles. They are regenerated and rebuilt. This leads to inhibition of loss and balding, but also to the appearance of new hair – thicker, stronger and more pigmented. Hyaluronic acid, thanks to its moisturizing properties, nourishes dry scalp creating even better conditions for hair growth. As a result, after the session the hair becomes thicker, stronger and shinier, hair loss is visibly inhibited and the scalp becomes moisturized and soothed.

In order to obtain and maintain the best results, it is recommended to perform the treatment in regular series – at the beginning 4 treatments repeated every 2 weeks are sufficient. In order for the effects of needle mesotherapy to last as long as possible, the scalp should be properly taken care of after and between treatments. Your physician will advise you on how to take care of your scalp and hair, as well as which cosmetics or cosmeceuticals (products designed for home care after professional treatments) you should use. It is recommended to perform a follow-up treatment after 3 or 6 months. The effect of the treatment lasts for 12 months, after this time the series of treatments should be repeated.

Photos taken before and after

leczenie łysienia dr cyj hair filler

przeszczep włosów katowice​​​​

dr cyj śląsk

zagęszczanie włosów na czubku głowy

Indications before treatment

To ensure one hundred percent safety and effectiveness of the treatment, no alcohol – not even in small amounts – should be consumed before and during the treatment. On the day of treatment the Patient should wash hair. Afterwards, no cosmetics for hair care or styling should be used.

Indications after treatment

There are certain recommendations that must be followed so that the treatment effects are as visible and long-lasting as possible, and side effects are minimized. On the day when mesotherapy was performed it is necessary not to apply any cosmetics on the scalp except those recommended by the physician. For a few days after the treatment, it is recommended to massage the scalp, in order to circulate the blood and maximize the benefits of therapy. After the treatment, the Patient should avoid:

  • Sun exposure for several days after treatment
  • Use solarium for a few days after the treatment
  • Alcohol consumption


After treatment with Dr. Cyj Hair Filler, the Patient does not require any recovery period and can return to daily activities immediately. After the procedure, the scalp may be swollen, red, and small lumps and bruising may appear. These symptoms are completely natural and usually disappear after 24 hours after the treatment.


Although needle mesotherapy treatment with Dr. Cyj Hair Filler is safe, unfortunately it cannot be performed on some Patients. Below are the contraindications to the procedure:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Allergy to any of the preparation ingredients
  • Local infection or infestation of the scalp
  • Open wounds on the scalp
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Taking immunosuppressive drugs
  • Cancers
  • Diabetes
  • Infections, or sequelae of streptococcal infections
  • Rheumatic diseases
  • Steroid therapy


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Cost of treatment

Mesotherapy of the scalpPrice
Dr Cyj750 PLN / 1 ml
Platelet Rich Plasma – Arthrex ACP1000 PLN
XL Hair450 PLN
Dr Cyj + XL Hair1100 PLN